I managed to get to WWI and it was interesting, a 15 foot section of Trench burnt down…er..up, it was a hell of a fire and it was weird that the allies were the ones mostly fighting it. Jim Marcum cemented his place in history by ripping a frame out of a German bunker while forcing the door and I was the Only Buff at morning formation.
My Back and Breast plate as well as my pike helmet are still on the way from England and John Buck is in the middle of my Matchlock.
I am selling some Airsoft weapons in order to get a new CA m15a4 CQB. Everything we do is pretty close and think woods so it should be a good weapon. I also am going to try to get my SAW out this summer as I have yet to fire it.
I am down to a 44/42 coat and 34/32 pants, which is fun because of the originals I can squeeze into. The DR. says 195 is a good weight for me so I am trying to hang around there ( Though that’s been a tough while I get used to maintaining).
Matt wants to do a day at the Army Heritage Museum in Carlisle this month and that could be fun as we haven’t done Span Am in a while.