Wednesday, December 19, 2007

War against the Boer to....I heard Boar and thought..."How tough could a pig be?". The Queen gave us these neat uniforms and these guys were crakerjack should see them march. Its what they did after all...they were soldiers, they certainly werent saving money for college!!

I think it was even me who uttered the age old curse of all wars "It'll be over by Christmas" boy was I wrong. It wasn't Boar it was Boer and those guys are tough.

1 comment:

Clockmaker said...

This is from our Northumberland group. The top picture is (Back row, left to right) Jack and Matt Williamson the Front row ( Left to right) Is myself and Gazo.

The bottom from left to right is Gazo, Myself and Jack.

For Info for joining the Northumberland Fusiliers drop me a line.